Micah Medley

Hard Rock Mechanic






What type of Miner are you and how long have you been mining?
Underground Hard Rock Mechanic and 6 years

Where are you currently mining?
Nyrstar East TN at Young Mine for Harper Mining

What do you love most about your career?
The people hands down and all the places I’ve been able to travel to in my short time 

If there was one thing you could change about the mining industry, what would it be?
The politics for sure and I would love to see every single person at the top of ladder have to climb from the very bottom of the ladder. 

What advice would you give a miner just starting out?

  1. Always work hard no matter what 
  2. There is always more to learn no matter how good you think you are (so listen to the old timers)
  3. Never tell an embarrassing story on yourself unless you want it spread 

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Going to Church, spending time with family, and farming 
What is one fun fact about you?
I’m a fourth generation miner and at one time my grandfather owned a coal mine in Eastern Kentucky 
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